Character & Citizenship Education
Character and Citizenship Education
Our mission is to shape character and instill values and citizenship dispositions, aligned to MOE’s 21st Century Competencies. This is achieved through the delivery of a learning experience that is,
- ❖Purposeful [Anchoring in school motto and RIDGE values]
- ❖ Student Centric [Designing space for students to Imagine, Discover, Express, Accomplish and Serve]
- ❖ Focused on future readiness [Developing the 5 minds for the future]
The 21st Century Competencies are identified as essential competencies and dispositions for students to develop so as to prepare them for the future.
1. Overview
The CCE experience in GSS inspires learning by providing space for students to Imagine, Discover, Express, Accomplish and Serve whilst cultivating Executive Function Skills and Growth Mindset.
Students are taught social emotional competencies and values through the CCE content areas of National Education, Education and Career Guidance, Family Education, Cyberwellness, Mental Health Education and Sexuality Education.
The CCE 2021 Curriculum Frame presents the CCE curriculum content and how they are internalised by students through a supportive school environment.
2. Thinking Frame
Students use CSI (Clarifying-Sensitising-Influencing) as a thinking frame to help them see multiple perspectives when they engage in discussions on divisive issues or problem solving. It encourages students to adopt an empathetic approach to understand and make sense of different perspectives and experiences.
3. Assessing CCE
- How do students know what they need to learn?
- How do they know they have succeeded in learning?
- Can they determine how they want to learn?</i>
In asking these questions, we aim to develop our students to be self-directed learners where they are given the space and time to reflect on their learning experiences. Collaborative tools such as Padlet are used to capture feedback from teachers and peers to help students achieve their success criteria.
4. Contemporary Issues
Contemporary issues are local topics that are current, relevant and have generated diverse opinions and are conducted during CCE lessons where students share views and personal stories in a safe and conducive environment. This enables students to hear multiple perspectives and encourages them to respect and understand diverse views. A discussion on contemporary issues concludes with students committing to an action for the common good.
Researching and discussing contemporary issues.
5. National Education
Students engage in a wide range of NE programmes to experience and explore their national identity as Singaporeans, understand the realities and challenges unique to our nation, and foster a sense of hope and belonging to Singapore. NE in CCE aims to be empowering and aspirational, allowing for individual sense-making, so as to nurture engaged citizens, who are socially aware, adept at critical thinking, and informed about local, regional, and global issues.
6. Student Development Experiences
CCE is pervasive in all other student development experiences, such as CCAs, cohort camps and Applied Learning Programmes. With such an array of programmes to meet the diverse developmental needs of students, it is important that they are given opportunities to reflect and make coherent connections across these experiences.
7. Values in Action (VIA) Programme
VIA is a key student development experience where students put into action their values and creativity to impact the community. Students explore the needs of the community and then work collaboratively to plan and carry out their VIA. Through their time in Greenridge Secondary School, VIA aims to instill an enduring sense of purpose in our students to make a positive impact in society.
8. Education and Career Guidance Programme
The Education and Career Guidance (ECG) Programme supports our students in achieving their post-secondary aspirations. Students also focus on building a habit for continuous learning to develop them into lifelong learners.
It takes a village to raise a child to be a citizen of good character who is resilient and demonstrates strong socio-emotional skills. With strong partnerships between home, school and community, we can work together to develop Greenridgeans as Confident Learners, Compassionate Leaders and Ethical Innovators.